Thursday, April 10, 2008

What the blog?

I haven't used this in about two and a half years, apparently. Good times. I just read over my old blogs, and I amuse myself.

I'm probably still not going to use this. But the point is, I actually managed to sign in, so I'm kind of taking advantage of it while I can. Supposedly my bloggy password is the same as my gmail password, yet somehow, when I try to sign in... not so much.

Oh good, it's saved my draft. Because this blog is so meaningful.

I'm going to go do dishes so that I don't have to over the weekend. Ah, maturity, thy name is Corinna.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Well, summer is over and it was pretty shitty. I didn't make enough of my time, and when I finally tried, I got so sick that I couldn't fucking do anything. Not that I'm still bitter or anything like that.

Money issues continue to plague me, but it's so fucking difficult not to spend it. I want stuff, dammit! Because the more stuff I have, the happier I'll be. He who dies with the most toys... still dies. But with STUFF!

Meanwhile, I'm in my first class right now. He's teaching us how to use Macs. I hate Macs. I don't care if Steve Jobbs is cool and that Bill Gates ripped him off. Macs STILL suck and they will always suck and I will always hate them.

I've already taken this class and I know how to use Macs (still hate them, though). So now I'm bored out of my gord. And I have nothing to do on the internet. Wish I could IM people. DAMMIT. I should have brought pen and paper so I could doodle through class and then he'd think I was taking notes and be all impressed and shit. I should have just called him and told him I wasn't coming because the first class is pointless. But whatever. Yay for schoolin'.

There's some odd fellow in here with a half-shirt on. I'm sure it's a women's t-shirt and that's why it's so short, but nonetheless, it amuses me. Too bad he seems like one of those weird, half-crazy Mt. Shasta types who never bathes. Speaking of not bathing, someone smells of B.O. and it's pissing me off. I got out of Humboldt to get away from hippies, dammit. HIPPIES!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The best day ever

Hey, ever have one of those days where your boyfriend goes out of town so you're all alone in your queen-sized bed and you can't lay on your left side because you pierced your ear and it STILL hasn't healed, and then you get -5 hours of sleep and then when you do manage to nod off, you wake up 15 minutes before you're supposed to leave for work and then you get there and some lady asks you when your baby is due even though you aren't pregnant and then you cry because you're fat and then 20 minutes before you're supposed to go home, the new girl calls in sick so you have to stay an extra three and a half hours and then you come home and your mom bitches you out because you stuck it to an evil corporation for the joint purpose of revenge and amusement, and even though it was ever so slightly illegal, it was totally justified, and more importantly, HILARIOUS, and she just doesn't fucking GET it?

Yeah, me either.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Everything in moderation... including moderation.

Sooo... I'm thinking no one reads this, so I should probably just diggety-delete it. Because I already have a LiveJournal, DearDiary, OpenDiary, and MySpace.

I wouldn't be an American if I didn't love "Born in the USA," but honestly, I don't really like Bruce Springsteen. The best thing about him is Max Weinburg. And Springsteen's ass? Not that great. If we're talking Bruces with hot asses, why not Bruce Willis? Who I find utterly repulsive, except his ass. And as long as we're on the subject of hot asses, John Hannah has got to be near the top of the list. Plus he's over 40. AND Scottish. Which is automatically hot. But everyone remembers him as the nerdy prissy boy in The Mummy.

Yeah, so I'm watching VH1.

Redheads are hot. Especially women, and I don't even dig 'em that way.

Since when is "Dog the Bounty Hunter" art OR entertainment? Damn you, A&E, you used to be for intellectual types who wanted something to watch when PBS was doing a pledge drive. I'd be even more enraged if I'd ever been one of those intellectual types.

I smell something burning, and that's probably not good.

This blog is done.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Yay, I have another blog

Now I'm up to 4. And all of them incredibly useless. Woot!

Meanwhile... read my blogs, bitches!

Why? Um... 'cause... I said so.

It's 5:37 a.m., and I have the insomnia. And a sinus headahce, despite the 5 extra strength acetaminophen.

Girl, you have no faith in medicine.